Start sitting up straight. Begin with deep breathing and notice the sensations in your body. Locate the center of your chest and focus there for a moment as you breathe.
Next, imagine a plumb line dropping from the base of your head, between the shoulders, to the base of the spine, through to the earth. Feel you Qi dropping down through the earth from the root chakra at the base of your spine.
Now imagine filling both lungs evenly with air.
Align the eyes and make sure they are on a horizontal plane (not tilting the head). Focus on keeping your eye line horizontal, let it guide the shoulders to rest evenly.
Feel the head balanced over your root chakra at the bottom of the spine.
Keep the chin up and eyes level.
Imagine filling both legs evenly with a grounding sensation, focusing on feeling equally in touch with the earth through both the feet. This tends to pull the stomach in, lengthen the core and spine while expanding the lung capacity.
Notice the energy equally in both arms and drop any remaining tension.
Keep focusing on your center and dropping the Qi line down to the base of the spine.
Continue breathing, dropping any tension, and keep coming back to focusing on the center. Imagine tension being brushed off at my shoulders, ribs, hips, knees and feet.