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Friday 18th October

Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!

Seven Minute Mindfulness is designed to help quickly release stress and mental clutter, sleep better, and make space for calm, clarity, and  creativity.

The program includes 10 special mindfulness audio sessions, which combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts, and ultra-relaxation music. Quickly activate the natural relaxation response, release tension, and encourage inner wellbeing and clarity.

Simply press play and systematically release tension from muscles and thoughts from the mind.

Plus you get 2 ebooks (or physical books) which explore mindfulness throughout centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, as well as modern discoveries about the power of the mind-body connection.

It’s packed with background research, case studies, exercises, and tips. Explore the mind, the breath, and different wellness techniques to help you enjoy the colors of life more and to flourish.


to get Seven Minute Mindfulness now!

Hi, I’m Greg Thurston

I created Seven Minute Mindfulness after 15 years exploring different versions of mindfulness and wellbeing practices, and bringing together the best bits that worked for me.

I was born with a few physical problems which caused constant upheaval in my life - a club foot plus one leg shorter than the other. These problems gave me uneven hips, spine, back, neck... scoliosis... arthritis... an uneven body and all the physical and psychological challenges that come with it. 

During university I explored yoga and meditation as a way to alleviate my troubles and lift my grades, lift my sport, and improve my life.

At first I noticed a big shift in my mood, my concentration, my ability to return to balance. Creativity gushed from my mind... my physical pains became tolerable... I experienced life like never before.

But there was a problem.

As life got busier, meditation became a struggle... I'd go for a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another I would stop. Sometimes it was because "I didn't have time” and sometimes I'd stop without any reason at all...

Meditation was something I just couldn't stick to consistently, and as a result, I couldn't reap the full rewards.

Then one day, after quitting an uninspiring job I decided to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do... And over the next 5 years, the journey took on a life of its own...

I Travelled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil and Germany... INHALING every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection.

I investigated TRADITIONAL ZEN PRACTICES and what MODERN SCIENCE knows today about the power of the mind.

I started compiling the best and most powerful methods... focusing on solutions that are easily maintainable, doable for any person, enjoyable, and avoid the common roadblocks that people face.

As fortune would have it, I teamed up with an awesome publishing company, and we solidified my learnings into a practical program... which to date has been used by over 1000 people.

My goal is to help people be well. Simple.

I want to share what works for me, to help people quickly release stress in a healthy and holistic way that works, to gain emotional strength, to nurture stronger relationships, to make good decisions and be more effective at work and in life.

If that sounds good to you, then please continue reading…

8 Benefits of Daily Mindfulness Practice

Release the tension and stress that builds up every day.

Unleash creativity.

Slow the heart rate and care for long term health.

Manage negative thoughts, emotions, criticism, and guilt.

Be more present for the people who matter in life.

Boost mental performance and achieve goals with greater ease.

Nurture strong relationships, communicate clearly, and enjoy a more adventurous spirit.

Prime your mind and contribute to the world.

What is the Seven Minute Mindfulness Package?
The core principal of this program is to make mindfulness easily doable for any person. To remove the barriers, stigma, and difficulties that often surround mindfulness practices.
The program includes 9 mindfulness audio sessions which last for 7 minutes each, and 1 bonus audio that lasts for 15 minutes. 

Simply press play and let the audios sink your mind and body into deep relaxation. 

Each consecutive day go deeper. Train the body to be more relaxed, and automatically train the mind to be more mindful.

Although the audio sessions only last for 7 minutes, the payoff continues throughout the day. It's like upgrading the body's core operating system to be more mindful, more calm, and more relaxed.
You'll also receive the 181 page Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook.

Explore in plain English different mindfulness traditions - from centuries of traditional healing and wellbeing practices, to the radical discoveries of modern science and technology. 

Read case studies from people who have managed different issues through mindfulness, get exercises and tips you can easily incorporate into daily life, and much more. 

Plus, learn about different areas of the body, such as the Limbic System - the part of the brain which controls emotional responses. 
Plus, receive an audiobook version of the guidebook.

Listen and enjoy whenever and where-ever you like...

Listen to the whole thing in one sitting... a chapter each morning while eating breakfast... or any way you like. 

Take an audio tour into mindfulness from around the world and throughout history. There's some theory, a little science, and a lot of practical advice to boost the mind and life.
Plus receive “Your Little Book Of Mindfulness Exercises”, a short reference style book of great mindfulness exercises to help live with greater presence, calm, and joy. 

These are simple tips and exercises to incorporate into daily life, or as a first aid kit if the mind gets weighed down, when a tough decision is needed, or if you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that don't help. 

This book perfectly compliments the audio program, to help perform at your peak, thrive under pressure, and overcome challenges with greater ease.

What people say about Seven Minute Mindfulness

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of specific results and results can vary.
"My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years." 

From: Phyllis
"I have inner peace for the first time in my life. 

I feel a great deal of gratitude. I feel present. I am so much more relaxed and confident. My stress level is near zero for the first time in 63 years. My internal anger is nearly gone. 

I find myself relaxing and going with the flow instead of fighting to control the world. I now know I don't need or want to do that. I feel at peace with myself. 

Thank you Greg!"
"I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed."

From: Jamie
"Thank you so much. I honestly do notice that I am more relaxed and calm since I started this practice. 

It has helped me physically, emotionally and Spiritually. I am so grateful that I decided to try your method. 
I am sleeping much better, and feel much more calm and relaxed. 

I am becoming more mindful of my actions and reactions, and feeling more Spiritually healthy. I cannot tell you how much this simple practice has been helping me!! Thank you , Jamie"
"I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW - I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting!"

From: Greig
"I purchased this program about 1 week ago and have listened to each of the 7 daily audios. I found them very relaxing and the perfect length. (I tend to lose focus with a lot of the long-winded material that most people put out!)"

"I decided to start reading the 181 page manual this morning, and WOW - I finished the whole 181 pages in 1 sitting! It really is brilliant and after reading it I know that I will now get big benefits from my daily 7 minute sessions! Thank you thank you for this awesome program!"
"I'm seeing a huge improvement in my mood."

From: Charlene
"Hey, absolutely love Seven Minute Mindfulness.

I was under a lot of stress and I'm seeing a huge improvement in my mood. Thanks for these programmes. :-)
From: Robert
"I found the mindfulness exercises help to get you out of your head and into what is happening presently.

This in turn helps to feel less tense and worried which allows you to enjoy more what you are doing."
"This program has made me reconnect with my true self."

From: Russell
"This program has made me reconnect with my true self. It has also really helped me to get to sleep faster and enjoy my days with a calmer more mindful outlook."
"So simple yet so practicable for daily living."

From: Margaret
"Hi there, I find the mindfulness of the breath very focusing and very peaceful. I use the breath to fall asleep and it always puts me in fairy land.

I am so happy i bought your 7 Minute Mindfulness. So simple yet so practicable for daily living. Margo."
"It fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick 're-centering' break."

From: Olivier
"7 Minutes Mindfulness has a great effect on me, allowing to calm my busy mind and also improve my mood.

It is a great complement to my daily meditation, as it fits perfectly any time of the day for a quick 're-centering' break. Thank you guys!"
"This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule."

From: Richard
"I've tried several programs and I start off with great intentions, but then the time factor and real life set in and I fall away. This program has helped me stay on target and the time factor works with my schedule."
"What a wonderful way to start the day."

From: Rosalyn
"What a wonderful way to start the day. I found myself very calm and centered. It allowed me to stay focused and on track the whole day. Thank you this is great."
From: James
"I use your program to get "into the zone" before trading the FX market so I am relaxed, centred but focused :)"
From: Wanda
"Thank you for this program as it has helped me to fall asleep fast. I find I am calm."
From: Joy
"I am really enjoying your program. The meditations just strike the right note with me. 

I do feel calmer and more focused after completing a session. As the sessions are 7 minutes it is easy to fit them into the day. 

I think I am definitely less stressed and will continue doing this program."
From: Bronwen
"Thank you, Greg and Scott. Life for me has been extremely stressful in the past few weeks. 

Since using 7-minute Mindfulness it has helped restore a place of calm for me and encouraged me to keep going. Thank you."
From: Stacey
"Love,love,love. Listening each morning makes me feel calmer and at peace. Thank you."
From: James
"Yes it's been helping me get my shit together and stop focusing on all the bad stuff control my feelings and make better decisions. Thanks for the help "
From: Vicki
"These messages were just what I needed to help get me back to a healthy mental outlook. I now feel a hope which I have not felt in many years."
From: Mrs Wilson
From: Sunil
"7 minute mindfulness is simple, easy to understand and practice. It cuts out all the complicated jargon which is peddled in the name of meditation. I have been practicing it for just a few days and find meditation was never easier. Thank you for making meditation simple and within easy grasp of all"
From: Caroline
"I find 7 minute mindfulness very relaxing and calming. It's a great way to start the day!"
From: Lotte
"Just started and very positive so far. Thank you
From: Joel
"My experience has been great thus far. I use it more and more and it dissolves stress away and has helped my focus"
From: Angella
"I have already noticed a decrease in stress levels and am more aware of my "self". The sessions help me to relax and fall asleep much easier. I have also felt much more rested after waking in the morning."
From: David
"After only 8 days, this programme has shifted my perspective and alleviated my stress levels. I feel calmer, my mind is focused and I can concentrate better on my work. Also, my imagination is refired and this is important to me as a writer. I look forward to more from 7-minute mindfulness.

And, it has improved my recall for my studies. I would not manage without it now."
From: Tanya
"i have more concentration and ease in dealing with the pain of arthritis and the fact that it is short makes my life easier"
From: Angela
"I'm not far into the program yet but the fact that the meditations are easy to fit into my days great for me. I need all the calm in the world dealing with my ex and Seven Minute Mindfulness is helping me do that effectively. My son suffers from anxiety and I'm planning to start him on these tracks.
From: Chelvaraj 
"The daily clutter of activities are getting refined. I am able to focus on the priorities with a cooler mind. Thanks for the 7 Minute Mindfulness meditation. "
From: Ronald
"Most times audios of this genre make you listen to an outside source of sound. This audio immediately gives you the feel of the sound coming from within."
From: Santhana
"Made me calmer, more balanced and useful in day to day activities"
From: Miss T.
"So far, this mindfulness programme is very good, it makes me feel more allert,focused on my tasks and I also feel full of energy since I have started using it, I use it as soon as I wake up. Thank you very much."
From: Kendra
"I think Seven Minute Minute Mindfulness is a wonderful program and truly helpful"

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

I believe this is one of the BEST investments you will ever make, so I'm backing it up with a jaw-dropping guarantee.

If you don't experience amazing results from my system within the first sixty days of using it, and if you don't feel like it is worth at least five times the price, I will refund EVERY CENT.

No hassles and no question asked.

My goal is your success. And while I am confident you won't need it, I want you to feel completely comfortable when you get your hands on my powerful mindfulness system.

So, try it out, and if you don't experience a noticeable shift, then simply send me an email and I'll reverse your payment.

That's my promise to you. With my 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, it's a risk free purchase.

Get Seven Minute Mindfulness Today!

Option 1.
Online Access
$17 $9.95 USD
Get lifetime online access to the full program  for a one time payment of $9.95 USD.
(63% print-free discount)
Orders are processed with ClickBank's secure checkout
Option 2.
Physical + Online
$99 USD + S&H
Get lifetime online access to the full program plus the cds and books shipped to your door.
Orders are processed with ClickBank's secure checkout

Frequently Asked Questions

You'll probably feel immediately calmer after listening to the first track. Then as you use the program more, you'll go deeper into relaxation and start to become increasingly mindful in your every day life. Some people like to only use the tracks and not read the book, which is completely sufficient and will help you, however there is an opportunity to learn more and experience an even greater shift if you do engage with all the resources in the program.

That's completely up to you. Some people listen first thing in the morning as a way to set their day up on the right note, some prefer to listen at night as a way to clear their mind and sink themselves into sleep, some listen in the middle of the day to give themselves a quick re-balancing break. Some even listen multiple times each day. You'll find what works best for you.

The short answer is no you don't. However, to experience the MAXIMUM benefits, it is recommended to make it a daily routine. Consistency is a powerful thing when it comes to mindfulness. With consistent practice you can go deeper, you'll find you are more mindful and all benefits of calmness, creativity, and self-awareness will grow stronger and be more evident in your day to day experience of life the more you practice. In saying that, some people use the tracks as a time-to-time thing, which is completely ok, and will still be extremely beneficial.

No. You have two options - to download the sessions to your computer or device, or to play them from within the members area.

When you click the order button, you'll be directed to the ClickBank® secure checkout page to process your payment. Then you'll return to sevenminutemindfulness.com to setup a login and access your program online.

We accept returns within 60 days of placing your order. If you ordered online access, you can contact us at support@sevenminutemindfulness.com.

Get in fast, 40% Discount Ends Soon!
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